Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Waxy Donuts & Wizard Fun

Its been a long week...yes, I realize its Tuesday.

Move over Reality TV moms! Today, I fed my son waxy donuts from a gas station because I was rushing around and put him in the car with no breakfast...1/2 way to school "mom, I am hungry"...thanks Amoco...dressed in workout clothes all day and saw gym...donut kid had no dinner because he didn't like the Boston Market sandwich we ate en route to rehearsal...got the kids home @ 9:30 on a school night...Reality.

This experience with the kids in The Wizard of Oz is one that I will never forget for many reasons. The biggest is that spending this time with the kids and watching them learn and grow in a production. I am so proud of Keely for her willingness to try something new...with the only familiar being her mother. She has no girlfriends or buddies to share this experience with..so, I get to enjoy being indulged by default. We have discovered some "between you and me" jokes, we lean against one another when we are tired. I catch myself watching and enjoying her more completely then if we were passing one another in the hustle of the spring sports season. And Aidan...he seems to find fun wherever we are. He just jumps in with no apprehension...no fear of acceptance ...just pure and genuine 7yr old heart.
So, as crazy as these nights have been...and exhausting too, I am so appreciative of getting to share it with them...oh, and meeting some amazing new people too!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Back to life...back to reality

My oh, my...Yes, I know it is cold in Chicago. Yes, I have lived here most of my life...and yes, I remember the blizzard of '79, Mayor Burne, Chicago Fest, The Sylvers...so, no, I am not clueless about what it means to live in Chicago. However, after an amazing week in the Florida Keys, I can't help but pout, stomp my feet and declare "its not fair"...like any testing 3yr old...and like any testing 3yr old who is well-parented quickly learns, LIFE IS NOT FAIR.

As today is declared a "snow day" due to freezing temperatures, I realize the week that I spent 24/7 with my family is never going to end. I love them to pieces but we are ready for some time away from one another...I think Vince sought that in the form of snowblowing our driveway...I turned to FB and the kids are sleeping or vegging out with the tube. As we landed at O'Hare, my 6yr old (who always has a dry, funny comment) says "well, back to reality" and sighs. Even the young recognize the cruel contrast of not just the weather but the return to the pace.

My baby sister was married three days ago. She is my only sister. It was the reason for our FL trip...to see her literally float down the beach aisle and commit her love to a wonderful guy. It was teary for me...not because I didn't want to see her move to this next phase of her life but because I am just so damn proud of her and the woman she has become...and the love she has found. It reminds me of a good old rocking chair...always in balance as it rocks, strong, sturdy and comfortable. The wedding was amazing as my FB pics will give a hint of. The meals were delicious, the weather was perfect, the views were breathtaking...it was like a song. We got to meet new people, reconnect with others, bond deeper with some and accept the emotional unavailability of others. All in all, it was good...it was very good.

As I am reading The Shack, and having savoured as many sunrises as I could this past week, I am reminded of the beauty of GOD and nature. I suppose there is beauty to be found in this Chicago chill too...for starters, I am in flannel pjs, enjoying a hot cup of coffee...which by the way is much more enjoyable in cold weather...there is a perk! There is a stillness and a quiet in these very cold days...it is like you can hear the little noises of nature more clearly...you have to be brave enough to go outside and listen...they are there.

All in all...I guess I can accept this cold slap knowing the warmth of all that love and friendship we were surrounded with the past week has left such a mark on my heart...